Friday, August 26, 2011

Where am I headed??

I know a lot of you feel out of the loop on what's going on and where I'm headed. If you don't know, don't feel's been a bit of a whirlwind.

On Monday I accepted a job at First Pres in Bellingham, WA to serve as their Interim College Director. It's an incredible ministry with an unbelievable staff (which I'm dying to meet in person). I'm thrilled about this opportunity. I'll be on staff through June, and will be able to apply for the Exec Dir position some time next year if that's how God's leading. For the moment, I'm taking it step by step, but the steps have been HUGE :)

I had 3 1/2 days to reserve the trailer, service my jeep, pack up and say my goodbyes. If you're in Fort Collins, and I didn't see you, I'm'll just have to come visit:) I headed out of town this morning and just made it to Bozeman, MT. Man, that safe trailer speed really slows you down!!

I'll be in Coeur d'Alene tomorrow night and arrive in Bellingham Sunday evening so that I can start on Monday! Yep, HUGE steps:) But the entire staff and 1/2 the congregation have already gone out of their way to welcome me. So I have no doubts this is right where God wants me right now.

I was hoping this trip would be a nice relaxing break (I love road trips) from the chaos of packing and the emotional drain of saying goodbye to so many people I love. College ministry is one of the most amazing opportunities. But it takes a lot of energy, and I want to be at my best! So far, it's been more challenging than relaxing.

So here are my prayer requests...because I NEED your prayers:
- A couple really good nights of sleep and the mental space to gear up for this upcoming year.
- Cooler weather - my AC broke today and it was 98 inside my Jeep...I actually have a tan line from the seat belt.
- For everything else on my Jeep to remain in good working order and for safety.
-And really however else God leads you to pray from me, I never turn down prayer:)

Thanks crew!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Repeating myself

So a lot of you got saw this recommendation on Facebook. But it's so good and I keep pointing people to it, so I thought I'd direct you to it again.

A couple of weeks ago I stumbled across (literally just a random topical search on "giving" on iTunes) this sermon by Aaron McCarter from Maryville Vineyard. It's entitled "Ours to Give 1" and dated 5/27/07. If you know how to link to an iTunes podcast, I NEED that info - please share. For now you'll just have to search for it yourself :)

I was blown away by his perspective on giving. Not that it was new information, he simply just communicates it in a way that we all can grasp - with sarcasm, humor, and a tad bit of self depreciation.

If you like that sermon - and even if you don't - you should check out Scott Nickell's sermon that continues to reshape our perspective on our role in relationship to God's role!! Happy listening.