Friday, July 15, 2011

Headed Camping...

in Medicine Bow, WY. I'm attempting to hit all my "must sees" before I potentially take off for parts unknown. And JoAnne and I have been talking about hiking in Medicine Bow for nearly a year now. I'm super excited...I love getting away, I love nature, I love new experiences.

But I just realized in all my chaotic packing a bunch of my camping equipment is mysteriously tucked away in some poorly labeled box. So I'm setting off with JoAnne for a weekend (who will show up with not much more than a sleeping bag and a CamelBak) and I have a trunk full of non-camping "equivalents." It's interesting - my trip to get away from all that encumbers is already overloaded with gear.

Now, I don't know if I should feel better knowing that somewhere I have a therm-a-rest that's 1/5 the size the sleeping mat I could put my hands on, a microfiber towel that's 1/4 as big as the beach towel I'm bringing, and several other space saving devices. In reality, those nifty camping aids take up room in a closet somewhere 90% of the year and only save space on about 7 weekend trips. But I have them, in case I need them...

Do you remember the movie, One Fine Day? Michelle Pfeiffer has this incredible bag that contains everything needed for every possible situation. I loved that bag! Perhaps that's why even with all my oversized non-technical equipment I still have this urge to overpack. Years of youth ministry has concealed this obsession - I needed to bring an extra towel or Bible for the kid who forgot, I had to have a fully stocked first aid kit, etc.

The reality is I admire the light packer, the person who can do without. In college, my friend, Matt, showed up for a weekend retreat with a toothbrush. THAT'S IT! Now that's probably excessive.

So if I'd like to pack, I'm stuck thinking: Do I overpack because I'm responsible or afraid of uncertainty? Because I want to be able to meet the needs of others or because I value my personal conform so much? Because I'm lazy or willing to go the extra mile?

YES! All of those! Like I said earlier, I am nothing if not complex. But I wonder how we should prepare for the spiritual journey. My friend, Joseph, was in an accident in college. He nearly lost his life, and in the process he did lose his leg. He used the illustration of packing a bag for the life journey we're on. He talked about Jesus coming alongside him in the packing process and taking things out of his bag (things that he thought he needed) and adding other things to his bag (things he couldn't see the use for).  Joseph said that he'd grown to realize whatever journey he was on, he obviously didn't need two legs.

He understood, with a faith that truly surpasses understanding, that God is the only one who knows what our trip entails. We may think we're headed for the Bahamas and end up in Antarctica...when we do, we'll be happy we lugged that parka around a for weeks.

As God teaches me crazy lessons or continually removes something I so desperately want to carry or adds to my pack something that seems bulky and worthless, may I constantly see that he's the ultimate trip planner. My I be willing to carry whatever he determines I need and to let go of the rest.


  1. It's funny how in the midst of packing for trips, we forget that God will provide. I definitely have this idea that if I forget to bring that one important thing, the world will come to an end and my trip will be ruined. Not that God is probably overly concerned with what does or doesn't fit in my suitcase, but I take comfort in the fact that He'll make sure I make do with whatever I bring - just like He does every day.

  2. Also, this totally reminds me of: "Why don't you bring anything when we go hiking?" "Because. I like to hike like I was just left here."

  3. LOVE it, Alix!! And after all this...I forgot my camera:)
